The afterparty goes down at AJAX DINER, where country-schmaltz deconstructionists COWBOY MALONEY'S ELECTRIC CITY will provide some tunes. This band features K.S. co-editor Michael Bible, local troubadour Dent May, and former Colour Revolt bassist Patrick Addison among others.
If you aren't in the North Mississippi area, you can still order a copy of the magazine at the KITTY SNACKS BLOG. Limited to 250 copies, issue #2 features writings by Mary Miller, John Brandon and Leni Zumas; interviews with filmmakers Ross McElwee (!) and Matthew Robison; and amazing cover art by Len Clark.
woah... I love the twinkling headliner... and, i'm pretty f'n piced that i can't make it to this release. i want a copy, though. so, save one for this girl.